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Guys & Vols
Brooks Clark's annual predictions for the season to come.

Then Again...
Eh, what does that Brooks guy know, anyway? Adrienne Martini and Joey Cody offer the 2000 Chicks' Picks.

Mike Gibson takes a look at Tennessee Titans fans.

Managing Success
Matthew T. Everett talks to the man behind the curtain.

The Fizzicks of Football
Jesse Fox Mayshark explodes the myth that academics and football don't mix.

  The Book of Vol

And lo, it was written that on the fifth day of the fifth week of the eighth month of the year, the word would go out.

And the word was Football, and the word was good.

And the people did come forth from out the hills and hollers,

And it was said unto them by their prophets,

"Look ye unto the gridiron, and rejoice!

For there is a time to cheer and a time to tailgate,

A time to wear orange, a time to fight traffic,

A time to punt, a time to go for it on fourth down,

A time to talk trash,

A time to subvert the purposes of academic institutions."

And the people did say, "Yea,

A mighty team is our team!

A mighty big orange is our orange!

A mighty big gut has our coach!"

And the heralds did march out forward upon the field,

And lo, and yea, they did testify unto the people

Of a place of wonder,

Where corn cometh from out a jar,

And telephone bills existeth not,

And strangers returneth not from out.

And the people sang with joy,

And the T was run, and the games begun

In Knoxville as they are in Gainesville.

And all was as foretold

In the pages of the Football Issue

Which cometh but once a year,

Thanks be unto The Lord.


August 31, 2000 * Vol. 10, No. 35
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