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April 3 - May 1, 1997

Volume 7, Number 13: April 3 - April 10, 1997

Legacy in Limbo

Jack Neely paints a portrait of the late Knoxville artists -- and brothers -- Joseph and Beauford Delaney, whose lives and legacies linger amid a swirl of colors and controversy.

Volume 7, Number 14: April 10 - April 17, 1997

Shades of Gray

Mike Gibson plays Confederate soldier in the wilds of northern Alabama with a bunch of rebels fighting to return civility to the Civil War.

Volume 7, Number 15: April 17 - April 24, 1997

House of Cards

Val Pendergrast reports on the health of TennCare Partners, the state's attempted "carve-out" of mental health care coverage.

Volume 7, Number 16: April 24 - May 1, 1997

Knoxville's Best

YAARGH! Here it is, folks--the largest Best of Knoxville survey ever printed in the history of the world. Watch the disintegration of our brain cells take place before your very eyes as we write about every darn thing you like about our fair city.