Opinion: Letters to the Editor

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Correction & Amplification

In the Sept. 23 “Make Your Movie Here” article, the photograph of Pillar of Light extras at Ramsey House were taken by Tim Mullen, and the photo from Have You Checked Your Weight Today? was printed with permission by Bradford Photography. We also switched some roles of that film’s principals: Jeff Delaney wrote the screenplay, and Kent Edens is the film’s producer along with Paul Izbicki. Kelly Burke is directing.
—The Editor

Land Grab, not Progress

Mr. Cagle makes a good point [Sept. 23 Frank Talk] but uses a bad example.

The condemnation of my family’s land by FUD (First Utility District) has nothing to do with progress. The assumption Mr. Cagle makes is that for FUD to treat more wastewater, it needs more land. This simply is not the case.

There are numerous examples of wastewater plants in the United States that treat multiple times the amount of waste FUD is treating, yet they do so in a footprint that is only a tiny fraction of FUD’s current site. And they do it with proven, decades-old technology that is readily available, safe, reliable, low-odor and cost-effective.

All of us want progress. I’m a civil engineer, and I earn my living off of progress. But let’s not use the word “progress” as a Trojan Horse for “land grab.” FUD can meet the needs of its entire service area both now and in the future simply through the use of proven, modern plant design.

One more thought: I would have expected Mr. Cagle to take the position that arrogant, unresponsive behavior from a quasi-governmental authority was deserving of public exposure. Perhaps if he peels the onion on this issue, he’ll see our point.

Leland Johnson

Moving Memorizations

Stephanie Piper, I wanted you to know how great your “Life Savers: Psychic first-aid kit” column was [Midpoint, Sept. 2].

You surely are not so old as I, but you came from an earlier time in American education by your own admission. And with the added benefit of a parochial school with high standards. How much I appreciate the high school lit teacher who had some big requirements to get an A—so many lines to memorize. Yes, many of them are still with me.

Of course, you mainly touched upon poetry. Your analysis of how poetry has a power to help was profound. Your selections were pertinent and powerful and moving. Thanks for a wonderful column. Do it again!

Garvin L. Greene

Fact Checker Needed:

In Jack Neely’s article “An Old Stetson...” he writes, “like the cowboy hat Hoss wore on Gunsmoke.”

Hoss was Hoss Cartwright, played by Dan Blocker on Bonanza.

I enjoy reading your paper. Keep up the good work.

Jim Campbell

Who Silenced KFAR?

I want to register my support for KFAR FM 90.9, the unlicensed community radio station recently shut down by the FCC.

As a Knoxville resident and frequent radio listener, I am disappointed that our government has allowed the airwaves, which are public property, to be almost completely dominated by commercial interests.

Knoxville needs a community radio station, and KFAR was filling that void. I find it disturbing that some number of individuals in Knoxville have taken offense at the station’s presence and seek to silence it. I would like to know who those people are, and exactly what their complaint is. They risk being viewed by many in the community as cowards if they don’t step forward and identify themselves.

Beau Wadsworth

Have an Agenda, Do You?

I viewed your Incoming Mail of Sept. 23. How about reading, and abiding by your own Guidelines for Incoming Mail?

You allow the ravings of Tom Callcott two full columns (“Why George Must Go”), yet your guideline states: “Letters to the editor should be (What?) brief, and to the point.” Two pathetic columns of Bush lied, Bush lied, Bush lied, qualify as short and to the point with you? What about “preference is given to those that are short and are directed at local events?”

I’m sure you’ll point to your magnanimous gesture of fairness with J. Captain’s (“Back the Good Bush”) whole three paragraphs.

It would appear “short and to the point” differs with you, depending on whether it’s a bash Bush article or a letter of support for the president. You are so arrogant, and to think you’re educated people who are so bad at being subtle.

John A. Guerin
Lenoir City

Of Thieves and ‘Hatriots’

Last night a campaign sign was stolen from my yard (I won’t identify who it supported, as I am not interested in any additional reprisal from my “community”).

I witnessed the crime from a block away while walking my dog, a free-thinking, accepting animal, with an egalitarian outlook and a genuine affection for humanity.�

Today, my adrenaline and machismo-fueled anger has subsided, leaving me saddened, yet stronger in my convictions.�A refutation of our cherished democratic process, this act seems a fitting reflection of our current regime’s way of doing business.

We have seen the enemy, and he is us. Everyone eligible should exercise their right to vote. Let us never succumb to the misguided “hatriotism” that many citizens of our great nation have been deceived into adopting.�As my friend Steve said recently, the revolution starts now.

Gardner Howland

Questioning GOP Support

Living in Knoxville for the last two years has given me a perspective of the populace that includes unwavering support for the Republican Party. While that support does not stretch to every facet of our city, it does include a great many. For those of you who support the current administration and their policies, I have the following questions that I hope you read and think about in earnest.

War: Why are American soldiers fighting and dying in Iraq? The administration provides answers to this question, but the answers change with time. I wasn’t afraid of Saddam, were you? Do you think there is any irony in the fact that a pro-life president sends away our soldiers to fight battles where they get killed? That a pro-war president wants to prevent other countries from protecting themselves? Do you really think that because I oppose unjust wars that I don’t care about my family and friends serving in our military?

Security: Do you feel safe? Terrorism has risen in the last year, despite an inaccurate earlier report to say that it was declining. Do you feel secure in your job? That is if you have a job. Did you know what outsourcing was before 2000?

Economy: Do you think about the enormous deficit that has been accrued by our current administration? What will this mean for you as you get older or for your children? Did the tax cuts stimulate the economy or hurt it by taking away funds for education, health care, disaster relief, and the disaster in the Middle East?

Health Care: Do you know that Bush’s prescription plan will not have enough funding to make it real? Is this why the tax cuts were immediate, but the health-care plan is being delayed until 2006?

Liberty: Do you think it is unpatriotic to oppose the president? Do you know that your gun records are destroyed, but your library, medical, and Internet records can be searched without just cause? Do you know that the Patriot Act has eroded our freedoms? Do you know that the Justice Department wants to create even harsher regulations?

Reality: Do you really think that our country is moving in the right direction under the current administration? Do you see the problems that this administration has caused for American citizens at home and abroad? Do you care that the government supports companies that rip off you and me?

Our country is in the rosy-glasses phase, the man-behind-the-curtain phase. When the lies crumble under their own weight and reveal the true nature of our administration, will you have the courage to admit to the mistakes and make the necessary changes?

Kevin Segedi

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