Best Used Books


Part library, part junkstore, McKay Used Books can suck up more hours of your time than a slow Internet connection but with better—and just as unexpected—results. Go in looking for a book about hyrdroponic agriculture, and you might end up finding a psychological study of the effects of LSD on mental patients in early 20th century New York. Surprising subjects and unbelievable bargains lurk around every corner. Snag reading-list books for a smidgen of the price new bookstores dare to sell them for. McKay doesn’t have its own coffee shop (or a water fountain), but in that sense it’s an old-school community bookstore, the likes of which are becoming rare in these megachain days. Familiarize yourself with the organization system and signage. Let your mind wander from category to subcategory. Ask the extremely knowledgeable—if self-absorbed—incoming book desk staff for directions and suggestions. By the time you check out, you won’t believe how much time has passed and how many books you’ve bought for so little cash. No wonder McKay is the consistent winner of this category and a local institution.

Runner-up: Book Eddy