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Letters to the Editor

Sweet, Sweet

For the record [in re: Jan. 29 Incoming letter], as a nursing mother of two, I thought the term "sweet fun bags" was quite humorous.

Jamie Hull

Venting Spleen, Picking Bone

When I read an editorial that expresses a viewpoint that I disagree with, I usually nod my head, mull over the writer's point of view, and either reconsider my own mind set, or consign the editorial to the bottom of my cat's litter box.

My cat will have ample opportunity to peruse Barry Henderson's editorial in your Feb. 5-11 edition ("Ban Faith-Based Bigotry").

I have a close relative who is gay, and who has married his significant other. While it does not coincide with my religious beliefs, I do not "hate" him, or his partner for their lifestyle. I certainly would not refer to them by paraphrasing Mr. Henderson's witty remark, as unfundamentalist, immoral morons. Mr. Henderson seems to have a self-righteous bone to pick with various religious groups, and vents his spleen by name-calling, and drumming up images of the Inquisition. How enlightening of him. How noble. At one point, he bolsters his argument, citing a group that he says backs all manner of conservative initiatives (the Log Cabin Republicans) without once mentioning in his editorial that they are a Pro-Gay organization. Clever. Mr. Henderson, at the risk of being branded as one of those "morons" you condemn for pursuing their right of freedom of religion, I would suggest that before you launch into one of your own hate-filled diatribes condemning those who disagree with your views by pointing out the splinter in their eye, you should remove the beam from your own. If your editorial is a truthful indicator, you are becoming what you yourself profess to hate. Intolerant, prejudiced, and more than willing to judge by the group instead of taking people as they should be taken. One at a time. Bigotry does not become an editor of a supposedly open-minded newspaper, Mr. Henderson. If you truly wish to change people's minds and hearts, you should use reason, not verbal brickbats. Your editorial had some good points, but they count for little if they are lost in your own brand of breast-beating bigotry.

Phil Morand

Pulpit Bullying

"Faith-based bigotry... anti-gay shenanigans... silly archaic reasons... no such idiocy... slavering at the notion... stampeded by bigots... homophobia still reigns... I've got your abomination, and it is your hatred... barrage of baloney... fundamentalist, moralist moronic faction..."

Your editorial reminds me of the minister's sermon notes; written in the margin were the words: "Argument weak here; pound the pulpit!"

Dan Kelly