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Letters to the editor:
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Letters to the Editor

Integrity? Judgment? What?

"Branded A FAGGOT?" Would you have printed that [in Don't Dream It's Over, Sept. 13] and offset it in larger type if Mr. Tarr had written "branded a nigger?" How about a kike? That word hurts me as much as either of the other two hurt our African-American and Jewish brethren.

Spare me the explanation that that is what the schoolyard bullies would have called Mr. Tarr in the early '80s. Is there no room for journalistic integrity and judgment in the alternative press?

As we pull together after last week's horrifying tragedy, I do have some concern about the polls showing people's near enthusiasm for giving up civil rights for the protection of the country, and censorship is just plain evil. Add to that that the Metro Pulse is a friend of the gay community, and not just one that pays lip service. But come on, what the hell was your editorial staff thinking? That "faggot" is OK to use as long as we know you're not really prejudiced? Let me set the record straight once and for all, IT IS NOT.

William A. Mynatt, Jr.

Terrorism Fundamentals

Many thanks to William Verplanck's acknowledging letter that terrorism has been alive and thriving in the good ole U.S.A. (and here in Knoxville). Though I'm deeply saddened by the events of the past two weeks, I have reminded whomever will listen that there are many of us who have lived under terrorist attack on a daily basis for far too many years from the untold fundamentalist religious groups in this country (Operation Rescue, Lambs of Christ, Right-to-lifers, etc...)

Those of us staff and providers of women's reproductive health services have lived under constant vigilance and security threats; we appreciate the support and recognition of our situation as described so well by Mr. Verplanck.

Women's reproductive freedoms, at home and abroad, have been seriously compromised in the past eight months of the Bush administration, with terrorist activity against clinics and staff rising once again. Now all Americans' freedoms are being threatened and compromised by other terrorist actions, also by fundamentalist religious groups (who also believe their cause to be justified by their God). The similarities of thoughts, philosophies, justifications of actions are frighteningly close.

With the likes of the Eric Rudolphs and Clayton Waggoners still at large here in the United States, how do the FBI and the intelligence community expect to root out bin Laden and his cronies in Afghanistan and elsewhere?

Again, thanks for acknowledging what it's been like to survive with and under terrorist reign. I don't wish it for any of us!

Corinne Rovetti

Hate Crime: Littering

On Saturday, Sept. 16, while crews were working to clean up the site of the tragedies at the World Trade Center in New York and the Pentagon in Washington, my family gathered up our safety vests and trash bags to clean up a section of our local roadside. We filled six large bags in the distance of approximately one mile of highway.

The majority of trash seemed to be related to alcohol and tobacco with plenty of additional litter from fast food, snacks and miscellaneous sources. I have seen signs posted reading "$1,000 fine for litter," categorizing littering as a crime. As we collected, I was struck by the contrast between the patriotism of flag waving, "God Bless America," "Proud to be American," and "The Star Spangled Banner," and the hate crime of throwing trash on the face of our beloved country.

We hear repeatedly "What can I do? I want to do something!" in the aftermath of the horrible attacks in New York and Washington. One answer seems simple: Pick up the insulting litter in the area where you happen to be. Consider the act of littering a hate crime against our beloved country and the elimination of this insult as our patriotic contribution.

J.A.E. Moon