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June 7 - June 13, 2001 * Vol. 11, No. 23

Ear to the Ground
Eye on the Scene
News of the Weird

Summertime Blues
Used to be, summer meant it was time to sleep in, play baseball, and laze around the living room until mom chucked you outdoors. These days, we in the Metro Pulse office find it mostly means it's time for our annual summer issue. And here it is: an ambling, rambling assortment of impressions from summers past and present. Jack Neely remembers what he learned at camp. Adrienne Martini goes for a drive and winds up on the roof at the Biltmore Estate. Jesse Fox Mayshark revisits a century's worth of Knoxville postcards. Plus, a calendar of summer events, and a smorgasboard of local notables' favorite summer haunts. If you have any comments, leave us a message. We're going fishing.

Jesse Fox Mayshark reports on the next legal step for KnoxRecall, and Joe Sullivan celebrates UT's amazing spring sports season.
Plus: Seven Days, Meet your City, and Knoxville Found.

Joe Sullivan assesses the impact of J. Wade Gilley's resignation from UT in Insights, Scott McNutt considers some body work in Snarls, and Jack Neely catches up on odds and ends in Secret History.

Mike Gibson gets the sonic scoop from jazz master John Scofield in the Music Feature, while Eye on the Scene reports on Theatre Central's pending move to Market Square. Paige M. Travis takes a heavenlySteambath with Theatre Central in Backstage. Adrienne Martini savors new books by Tim Powers and Jonathan Lethem in Pulp.

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