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Letters to the editor:
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Letters to the Editor

A Poo Loser?

In response to Robert Ward's letter responding to Scott McNutt's article: I totally agree with Robert Ward's statement regarding this waste of a city, but my only question is: why do people like this guy not realize that they are completely free to move to another town?

There had to have been some point in this guy's life when he could have just left town.

I don't know for sure, but I'm thinking that there are only two reasons why even a half-way intelligent individual would choose to remain in a town his/her entire life, completely aware that the town is about as intriguing as watching flies hover over doggie poo on a warm summer day: 1) utter and complete laziness; 2) the depravity of the town has destroyed every last bit of his/her hopes and dreams.

Either way, this guy's as much of a loser as the people he's criticizing.

Brian Frost
Temporarily Trapped in Knoxville

Getting to the Point

In response to Mr. Robert Ward's letter to the editor in the March 26 issue of Metro Pulse: Grow up, Mr. Ward. If you hate Knoxville so much, quit your whining and move!

Kathie Warren

Cold Hearts on Council

As a city/county taxpayer, downtown female employee, and as a mother, I am appalled by the decision to deny Mrs. Melissa Mayfield [the chance] to complete her husband the late Danny Mayfield's City Council seat. What kind of town do we live in that would stand for our councilmen and women to be so cold-hearted and oblivious to public outcry. Outcry from the very people they represent.

Several councilmen were quoted in Metro Pulse. Their statements were sexist and racist. Women have come a long way from being told to "stay at home and take care of your children" or that "she will be a Carlene Malone clone." My opinion is City Council wanted someone on Council that they could control, and that is exactly what they have done.

Furthermore, our elected officials have been doing a terrible job anyway. Look at the failed Justice Center, the controversial Convention Center, the new plans for a planetarium downtown. These people must need a planetarium downtown, because they are obviously from another planet.

As a female employee who works downtown, I am telling you there is nothing that is going to draw people back to downtown unless major changes are made. Almost every time I walk to get my lunch or for a break, I get hit up for money. Not that I am a stingy person, but it is so out of control that if I gave everyone who asked I literally would give out about 20 dollars a week. Not that that is a lot of money, but if you add it up over the course of a month or year it would be. It would be nice to see a police officer walking the downtown streets. Even if it was every once in a while. It just never happens.

These are mere examples (with Mr. an Mrs. Mayfield's treatment being the icing on the cake) of how our elected officials are doing, what they want and how they are oblivious to the wants and needs of this city. I know I will keep these issues on my mind the next time I step into the ballot box, and so should everyone else.

Stephanie Kelley