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Letters to the Editor

Might as well face it, I'm addicted to Dew

I always enjoy Jack Neely's reports in Metro Pulse, as well as his books on Knoxville history, but the Mountain Dew story (Sept. 28) is the best by far.

I, along with many of my friends, am thoroughly addicted to Diet Mountain Dew. And what a beverage: no calories, doesn't stain your teeth, no phosphorus that rots your bones, and that extra jolt of caffeine to keep you going during the work day. It's almost the world's perfect food (if it weren't edged out slightly by cheesecake).

I'm from Knoxville but now live in Los Angeles, and another staffer in my office who equally loves Diet Mountain Dew is also from Knoxville. We are both pleased to know that our addiction owes something to our heritage.

Elisabeth Piper
Los Angeles

We Live Racism

I am truly sorry Mssrs. Schmid and Snyder did not appreciate the value of Ms. Scott's [Aug. 10] article, but I must admit that I am not surprised. I did not know Ms. Scott's article ["Dismantling Racism"] would bring such a rapid response, but I knew it would come.

"White People Have Feelings Too" [letter, Aug. 17] addressed many things, but it did not try to understand what the meaning of racism was all about. It is sad that many citizens of this country do not know their history to the point of understanding what we, as black Americans know. We know that when many of the majority hear the word racism, defensiveness sets in.

We know that, because many of the majorities don't have a clue of what we have endured and, quite frankly, though we wish it were a part of the past, we know the majority will immediately attack. We know that when racism is addressed, in such an eloquent way as Ms. Scott addressed it, the majority would begin to find issues. I hate this and wish people could understand. Many black Americans, such as Ms. Scott, did not live back in the past—they have searched, researched and above all live (and experienced) racism, first hand. This history, our history, is not just a part of the past—we live it daily. Sometimes, many of us live it minute by minute. Yes, white people have feelings too, but why must you attack our feelings.

"Pus vs. Feces" [letter, Aug. 17] talked harshly about the races, but what he failed to understand is that we cannot afford to measure injustices; we cannot afford to measure fairness. Simply put, we live it!

I am afraid many of you will not believe what we say or write, but it is the truth. Race prejudice plus power equals racism!

Maybe Ms. Scott and other black Americans cannot remember, but I remember when the same name callings of Minister Louis Farrakhan and Al Sharpton—these same words of hate were used to describe Martin Luther King Jr., Medger Evers and many who died, were executed, exiled and ridiculed.

As I sit, I watch those who refuse to accept change try to rewrite history. You must remember, we are living longer, we remember.

Those of you who refuse to accept change, refuse to accept us as viable humans: We lived this. We know this, and you need another avenue for you defensiveness. Stop using the same old words. Stop using black Americans as your whipping post.

Ms. Scott was right. Come out from among them and research for yourselves.

Dorothy Kincaid