Hate the Sin

In your March 26 "Ear to the Ground" column you have an item about this election cycle's "Christian Coalition candidate questionnaire." I may be misinterpreting your tone, but it appears to make light of the importance of the core values of Christianity that have made our country great. I think such an attitude is unfortunate and can only weaken us all. I also think people claiming to be "Christians" who hate those who are engaged in the behavior that they hate also weaken us all. You hate the sin and not the sinner.

I would also note that these values are not exclusively the domain of religion. For example, I am pro-life but I hold this position for what I consider nonreligious reasons. It would have been very easy for my mother to have found a way to have an abortion when she became pregnant with me, but she didn't and I'm grateful for my life and the impact that I can have on my community. While I respect what my pastor believes in this area, it doesn't enter into the decision for me.

On those other questions or for those of you who think I've just gotten too serious, I'll clue people in on how to vote. You support both increased funding for school repairs but no new taxes. With the cry-baby way the Smokies have behaved, you support funding to pay for the moving van to get rid of them—I certainly do. Smoking is a foul habit that defiles us all, it must be snuffed out.

S. Daniel Carter

It Depends on Who's Got the Cape That Weekend

A day late and a dollar short—this is the story of my life. However, I feel that I must throw in my worthless two cents with my opinion of you guys. When I read the "Metro Pulse has gone to hell" letter, something didn't sit quite right. Have you slipped in the coverage of our fair town's restaurants? Probably. Do we see a few superfluous and (dare I say) slightly immature publications? I do. There's quite a bit of ego stroking amidst the weekly coverage. (And as for Coury and Zak, which one of you is Superman and which is Clark Kent?) But to tell you the truth, I don't mind. Metro Pulse is far too important to my weekly awareness status to let those minor flaws get in the way. I understand that you're an entertainment publication, and as far as I am concerned, you do your part in keeping us informed. I also say that you have gained something with your editorials on things other than entertaining. In my opinion, it is an essential part of Metro Pulse and sometimes the best.

Maybe I just like the smell of alternative press on a Thursday afternoon, or maybe that other paper (you know, the one with the big name that runs daily) simply bites too hard to stomach. Or maybe, just maybe, you guys run a decent operation in the face of all the "look, Knoxville can be on the political map, too" crap that is shoveled constantly. I don't know. But I'll admit it: I'm addicted to you guys. So rather than throw my two cents in any further, I'll simply thank you for doing what you do.

Amanda Mohney