"Which member of the Village People does Victor Ashe most remind you of?"

The people have spoken, and the clear winner is...

The Leather Guy!

Like other companies, we occasionally hire someone. This involves the usual phone calls, interviews, etc.
Five of the quotes below are from acual applicants. Can you find the fake one?

"Do I have to bring a resumé?"

"I don't have any writing experience, but I know I'd make a good reporter."

"The computer does all the design stuff automatically, right?"

"Oh, no, I'm not calling about a job for myself—I'm calling for my ninth-grade daughter."

"I'm not in journalism or anything. I think it'd just be cool to hang around the Metro Pulse office. You get free tickets and stuff."

"I like to smoke crack and wear my pants on my head."

None of the above. They're all real, and here's what you should have come up with for a fake: